We spent a week in Hawaii during June and I got to dive at both Kona and Kauai. On Kona I did a Pelagic Magic Night Dive that was really cool. We went out about 5 miles from shore in water that was several thousand feet deep and went into the water (while tethered to the boat with a 50’ rope) and dropped down almost as far as we could go. Then we turned on our lights and saw the “Pelagic Magic”. These are single-celled or developing critters that zip around at seemingly supersonic speeds. I just shot away with my camera and after surfacing and looking at all the photos found several that were really neat. I hope you enjoy all of these.

Juvenile Commerson's Frogfish

Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang

Multiband Butterflyfish (left and right) and Goldring Surgeonfish (center)

Lei Triggerfish

From Pelagic Magic Night Dive

Psychedelic Wrasse

Yellowtail Coris

Pelagic Magic Night Dive

7-11 Crab

Pelagic Magic Night Dive

Big Longnose Butterflyfish

Archeye Hawkfish

Pelagic Magic Night Dive

Moorish Idol

Orange Spine Unicorn Fish

From Pelagic Magic Night Dive

Ornate Butterflyfish

Racoon Butterflyfish

Hawaii Stripebelly Puffer

Yellow Tang

Adult Peacock Grouper


Snow Godess Nudibranch



Belted Wrasse (Left) and Potters Angelfish

Spotted Moray Eel

Orangeband Surgeonfish

Dragon Wrasse / Rockmover Wrasse

Dragon Wrasse / Rockmover Wrasse

Belted Wrasse

Juvenile Oval Chromis

Blueline Surgeonfish and Convict Tangs

Bluestripe Butterflyfish

Bandit Angelfish

Hawaiian White Spotted Toby