As Shot As Fixed with Lightroom
It seems that every scuba diver now has a camera with them when diving. Some use a GoPro™ or Sealife™ while others have upgraded to compact digital cameras in waterproof housings. Most dive resorts and many live-aboard operators offer classes in underwater photography but those classes almost always focus on gear (differences between strobes and video lights, for instance) or on taking / composing photographs. None adequately address post-processing or enhancing the photograph after it was shot using software such as Adobe's Lightroom. This results in the diver taking lots of photos, most of which are not as vibrant or stimulating as desired. Many of the photos taken by beginner and intermediate level underwater photographers could be enhanced if only the diver knew how to use post-production software. This is where ScubaBobPhoto comes into the picture.
At ScubaBobPhoto we believe that often a mediocre photograph can be made into a great photography by using Lightroom. We will help your divers with issues such as equipment selection and photo composition but our expertise is in working with your divers after they have taken their photos to bring out the true colors and images that they desired. Our hands-on training and assistance with Lightroom will leave your divers feeling much better about their trip and photos.