I went with a group from Atlantic Edge Scuba (Gaithersburg, Maryland) to Fiji from July 14-23, 2022. We had a few days at the start where currents were ripping but the rest of the trip was fantastic. We stayed at Beqa Lagoon Resort, a very nice place to hang when you are in Fiji. I hope you enjoy my photos. I only included here the photos that I thought were my best shots. If you want to see a video with more photos you can go to this YouTube link.

Vagabond Butterflyfish

Lemon Angelfish

Golden Angelfishj

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Pink Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Anemonefish

Male Silverstreak Anthias

Fiji Anemonefish

Fiji Soft Coral

Fiji Soft Coral

Fiji Anemonefish

Arc-eye Hawkfish

Black Margined Damselfish

Humbug Dascyllus


Purple Spotted Ray

Regal Angelfish

White Mouth Eel

Atoll Butterflyfish

Scallop Shell

Leaf Fish

Dive Briefing before Shark Dive

Tiger Shark

Head Shot-Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark

Bull Shark